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A record of Pascal's thoughts Paid

1 year ago Bangladeshi educational institutions Saint John   392 views

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 7443562858654 Everything on the earth shows that either man is miserable or God is merciful, or that man is powerless without God, or that man is powerful with God. 2360563612675 One of the perplexities of the fallen is to see them condemned by their own reason, with which they would have condemned the Christian religion. 831736564632676 The prophecies of our religion and even the miracles themselves and their proofs are not of such a nature that we can say that they are absolutely convincing. Yet they are of such a nature that we cannot say that there is no reason to believe them. In this way,coltan ore processing, there is both evidence and ignorance, both to enlighten some and to deceive others. But the evidence is such that it exceeds, or at least is equal to, the evidence to the contrary; and it is not reason that can decide not to follow it, so that it can only be the desire or malice of the heart. Because of this manner, there is enough evidence to condemn, but not enough to convince; and it appears that for those who follow it, it is the grace of God that makes them follow instead of reason, chrome washing machine ,sodium cyanide price, and for those who avoid it, it is desire that makes them avoid instead of reason. vere discipulivere israoolitavere liberivere cibus True disciples, true Israelites, true freedom, true food. John 8:31: "If ye continue in our word, ye are my disciples"; 1:47: "Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile"; 8:36: "If the Son of the Father make you free, ye shall be free indeed"; 6:32 Verse: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses hath not given you that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven.". 588452565633677 Therefore, in the obscurity of religion itself, in the weak light we have for religion, in our indifference to the understanding of religion, to understand the truth of religion! 573439566634678 We do not understand any of God's creations if we do not regard it as a principle that God intended to blind and illuminate some people. 791460567626679 Two opposing reasons. We must begin with this; otherwise we understand nothing, and everything becomes a heresy; and even at the end of every truth we must add that we remember the opposite truth. 587916938658568587680 Rebuttal: The holy books are obviously full of things that are not dictated by the Holy Spirit. Reply: However, they do not detract from faith at all. Rebuttal: But the Church has concluded that everything comes from the Holy Spirit. Reply: I answer two points, one is that the church has never made such a conclusion, and the other is that if the church has made such a conclusion, it can be established. Do you think that the prophecies quoted in the Gospels are put forward to make you believe? No, that's to get you out of the faith. 785590569624683 Canon-Heresy At the beginning of the Church, it was in the service of proving the Canon. 571430570204692 On the basis of the chapter "On Foundation", we must add a chapter that can constitute "On Symbolism" to discuss the causes of symbolism: Why was the first coming of Jesus Christ prophesied? Why was it prophesied in such a way as to be obscure. 574518571703570 The reason why. Symbol- [They will receive a carnal people, but will make them trustees of spiritual restraint.] To have faith in the Messiah, it is necessary to prophesy beforehand, and the prophecies should be preached by people who are beyond doubt,gold CIP machine, who are diligent and sincere, who have extraordinary zeal, and who are known to the world. ore-magnetic-mining.com