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The decarboxylation reaction, which has been studied for more than two Paid

1 year ago Bangladeshi educational institutions Saguenay   392 views

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As Early as in 1849, German chemist Adolph Kolbe discovered that high-concentration CH3COONa solution could undergo decarboxylation dimerization by electrolysis to form C2H6, in which CH3COO- could be oxidized at the anode and eliminate one molecule of CO2 to form · CH3. The Kolbe electrolysis reaction was born by coupling two molecules of · CH3 to form the final product. Later, this method was extended to other higher aliphatic carboxylic acids, and even two different carboxylic acids were mixed to prepare more complex hydrocarbons. Reaction Mechanism of Kolbe Electrolysis Reaction (Image Source: Reference [2]) Another well-known decarboxylation reaction is the Hunsdiecker reaction. In 1861, Russian chemist A. Borodine mixed CH 3COOAg with Br 2, and a molecule of CO 2 was eliminated under heating to give the decarboxylated brominated product. Until 1942, German chemist H. Hunsdiecker further studied the reaction process, extended the substrates involved in the reaction to aliphatic carboxylic acids,wiped film evaporator, which were converted to the corresponding silver salts and then introduced Br 2, and then heated to obtain brominated hydrocarbons with one carbon atom reduced. This decarboxylation and bromination process is not only suitable for aliphatic carboxylic acids such as alkyl and alkenyl, but also for some aromatic carboxylic acids. Br2 can be replaced by other halogen sources such as Cl2 and I2, and even more mild halogenation reagents such as BrCCl3 and CHI3 can be used to complete the above transformation after the reaction conditions are improved. Hunsdiecker reaction (Image: Reference [3]) In addition, Derek Barton, a British chemist, also developed a series of reactions named after him, including Barton's radical decarboxylation reaction. The reaction starts from the aliphatic carboxylic acid and is converted into the thiohydroxamic acid ester, and then decarboxylation reduction is carried out to obtain the alkane product. To this day,wiped film distillation, many people continue to study reactions involving decarboxylation processes using carboxylic acids as raw materials, and the discussion is increasing. In the same year, they cooperated with Professor Abigail G. Doyle of Princeton University in the United States, using NiCl2 coordinated by 4,4 '-di-tert-butyl-2, decarboxylation after extraction ,rotovap distillation,2' -bipyridine (dtbbpy) as a transition metal catalyst.  Merging photoredox with nickel catalysis: Coupling of α-carboxyl sp 3 -carbons with aryl halides. Science 2014, 345 , 437. [8] Zhiwei Zuo et al., Enantioselective Decarboxylative Arylation of α-Amino Acids via the Merger of Photoredox and Nickel Catalysis. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138 , 1832. [9] Xiaheng Zhang et al., Alcohols as Latent Coupling Fragments for Metallaphotoredox Catalysis: sp 3 -sp 2 Cross-Coupling of Oxalates with Aryl Halides. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016,cbd crystallization equipment, 138 , 13862. Return to Sohu , see more Responsible Editor: toptiontech.com